JenJeans One Direction - Louis





Ch. Mina's Jesse from Wesbar

Ch. Mina's Sunday Ticket

Ch. Mina's Snap Crackle Pop

Ch. Mar-Rich N Mina's Rumor Has It

Fandango Diamond Solotaire-S

Wesbar's Kelley Something Special

Ch. Mar-Rich N Mina's Rumor Has It

Ch. Wesbar's Lady In Red

Wesbar's Kelley Something Special

Ch. Mar-Rich N Mina's Rumor Has It

Ch. Mina's City Slicker

Mar-Rich's Dots of Mina-L

Wesbar's Only One Pattie Cake

Toy Valley's Tri Tuxedo N Boots

Toy Valley's Masquerade Party

Jen-Jeans Whoop-De-Do

Ch. Dartan's Naughty By Nature

Ch. Leander Bear Catcher of Ballybroke

Dachida's Dancing Bear

Dachida's Aim To Tease At Leander

Dartan Make Us Happy Weaver

Ch. Dartan Lad At Southfork

Ch. Weaver's Special Delivery

Jen-Jeans Keke Beach

Misalou's Rickoshay of Dartan

Ch. Ouachitah Mirror Image

Dartan Misty Moonlight

WilWins She-Daisy

Ch. Jen-Jeans Chili Dawg

Heartland Honey of An